LinkedIn Recruiting Database

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Linkedin Recruting

DSD Recruitment is a company that assists other companies in sourcing the right LinkedIn profiles to fulfill their staffing needs. We are a team of professionals who excel in identifying the most suitable candidates for various job positions. We utilize Corporate LinkedIn Recruiter as our primary tool for this purpose.

Irrespective of your business type, we can aid you in locating the talent necessary for your success.

We establish a LinkedIn recruiting database comprised of potential candidates through LinkedIn Recruiter. 

LinkedIn Recruiter Database includes the following details:

Contact Information
LinkedIn Profile

Why LinkedIn Recruiting

We always try to find better sources that fulfill the user’s requirements. LinkedIn recruiters provide a high level of experience in recruiting. It consumes less time and provides the right candidate quickly and efficiently. LinkedIn recruiting is the best choice because it allows you to enter a vast network of professionals on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the largest professional network, with over 700 million members. That means it provides considerable access for searching for new and better talent with the required skills. Through LinkedIn research, we get to know how brilliant peoples are there.  

LinkedIn database

LinkedIn Recruiting has a massive database of professionals to help you find the right candidate for your company. It includes First name, last name, education, company name, company size, Degree, Field of study, profile language, Job functions, Company followers, Years of experience, Years of position, current company, and company type. LinkedIn search tool allows s filtering of candidates based on various criteria. Our expert team will create a customized recruiting database strategy that meets your requirements and specifications.

Advantages of Linkedin Recruting Database

Accurate Database
It includes their accurate details, for example, first name, last name, professional and educational records
Sourced LinkedIn Profile
With the help of Boolean string it make easier to provide clear and concise overview of candidate's LinkedIn profile that make easier to meet with the client requirement.
it is an effective way to engage with potential candidate, you can directly communicate with them with their provided LinkedIn profile and email.

How LinkedIn Recruiting work ?

Our experts are always trying to give their 100% to clients. Our team uses LinkedIn’s powerful search tools to find the right candidate for your company. We have access to paid tools that are very important and compulsory for recruiting. The tools include LinkedIn Recruiter + LinkedIn Sales Navigator,,, , Hiretual, and RocketReach. 

This includes filtering candidates based on a variety of requirements. It is the best way of talent sourcing; Boolean string is also screening the best option for hiring a candidate. We all want a quick response and immediate progress for our work s. LinkedIn recruiting is a quick way to meet the requirement of clients.

We have experimented for years in the field of recruitment. We always meet and search for a better technology platform that provides better technical experts according to the client’s requirements.